yellow and black butterfly

A lot of disunity was witnessed in the central Ohio area since summer 2020 over possible monster worship regarding a cis white, maybe even hetero-normative, MAN!!!!!!, that a city council person even asserted was an advocate of racial genocide.

As informed by the Thomas Theorem, information asymmetries exist between actors acting frequently with imperfect information. What people believe to be true may inform their actions, despite what the truth may actually be.

The City Attorney and City Council cooked up a so far evidenceless theory that ORC 707.25 and .26 could change the fundamental electoral right to vote on charter amendments secured by Ohio Constitution Article 18 Section 9 as well as Arawak, formally Columbus, City Charter section 45 to change Section 1 of Arawak City Charter that forces everyone to refer to the city summoning a possible monster’s name.

To attempt to mitigate the disunity of single political party control, we hope to permit the electorate a choice on whether to still be named for a possible monster, or for his possible victims, or perhaps something else?

If the enabling legislation passes, we hope to temporarily rename the city to Eugene B Dinkin, Ohio, for one of at least two government agents who predicted harm to JFK (in Texas of all places) before assassination according to government documents. The electorate will then be able to vote on what if anything people will be forced by the city charter to refer to the city as whether Columbus, Arawak, Lysander Spooner, Howard Beale, Tecumseh, Flavortown, Buster Douglas, Jerrie Mock, Tuvix, Eugene B Dinkin, or perhaps something else entirely– do you have a suggestion?