Many may find it ridiculous that after 60 years the government still won’t give us all JFK files so we can finally know what they claim the truth to be in the documents they made us pay for. Despite the claims of the Warren Commission, it was full of significant possible errors, like House Select Committee on Assassinations concluding: “President John F. Kennedy was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy.” Even James Woolsey former CIA director asserting a conspiracy to murder JFK, and that it may have come from Russia with former Premier Nikita Khrushchev originating it.

Every year around November 22, the “news” pumps out stories about JFK, yet the following facts according to the US government continue to be omitted in their analysis, which if the public knew about, perhaps they would demand to finally know what government documents claim the truth to be.

Did you know at least two different government agents: Eugene B. Dinkin and David F. Christensen predicted harm to JFK before assassination, pfc Dinkin predicting harm to JFK in Texas of all places?

Why did Acquilla Clemons assert the person who murdered officer JD Tippit was short and heavy, would that describe Lee Harvey Oswald, who claimed to be a patsy?

Also interesting, especially now that people like James Woolsey are making statements that might place the blame on Russia for murdering JFK, asserting Lee Harvey Oswald met with an assassin at the Soviet Embassy in Mexico City before assassination. Interestingly according to transcripts of Lyndon Johnson’s 7th phone call as president on 11/23/63 at 10:01 am from FBI director J Edgar Hoover, who told LBJ that the photo and audio evidence of Lee Harvey Oswald did not match Oswald, implying a conspirator?

Interestingly this presidential record of the tape has been deleted, no knowledge of any consequences for its destruction and mishandling is currently known. Do other wings of the secret government have a copy of this call they wont let us hear?